Audio Physic Avanti 5

Hi, after thinking to buy the ML Prodigy but changed my mind completely and then my eyes are relly on to the AP Avanti 5. I'm being offered for a used pair in like new condition for $8k (really looks new). Anyone has recommendation for this speakers what is its strength vs weaknesses. I'd appreciate if you guys share some thoughts.

Hi, I think your room should be ok, although someone recommend to have larger room to make it sings. I got the speakers already yesterday. it sounds so good, deep tight bass with romantic life like highs. Soundstage is really excellent, eventhough I haven't set them up properly, just put them right away as I was eager to hear what they are capable of. They are really my favorite right now.
i have had ap speakers for 15 years and now have the virgo 25's,absolutley incredible sounding using vac phi 200 amp.the bad is the amount of breakin time needed to hear them,200 hours and more.i am using a 14 by 24 foot room and it fills it up to the max
If you can get the Caldera (I or II) there is no need to
look further. Those are the best speakers ever produced
by Audio Physic. In Europe they are an onbelievable bergain
(+/-4000 Euro). If you can get those bellow 10 K in the USA
you will be 100% happy.
