Used Magico V3 or Rockport Mira 2

I am using these pair in a Home theater/2 channel setup. So setup will not be ideal for both in my room(wall treatment wise). The Magico V3 can be found for 15k used and the new Rockport Mira 2 can be had for 16.5k. Is Rockport better than the V3. Rockport dealers are exclusive and harder to find. But have heard great things from owners. The Magico have been widely reviewed as positive. My setup is more 20-25% audio and the rest Home theater. Would I really benefit from one over the other. I have a Sim w-5 amp and classe ssp-800. Any feedback will be appreciated.
01-04-12: Soix
Goodwins does it right. If you're upfront with them that you probably will buy used or even not at all I wouldn't be surprised if they were happy to accomodate you as long as it's not during a particularly busy time. That way you get to listen but don't potentially take away resources from other customers who may give them business.
Soix (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
You gotta be kidding, right?

It's tough enough to run a business with HUGE overheads and competing with the internet, you're going to allow people to use your resources and purchase elsewhere for a lower price? I bet you don't own or run a business??

Have you ever test driven an automobile that you didn't buy, tried on suits or pairs of shoes you didn't buy, spent a realtors time looking at houses and didn't buy, etc. Every day thousands of retail salespeople and their stores spend lots of time with people who don't buy. It's called shopping!

That's retail, plain and simple. People kick tires in all manner of retail businesses - it's just the nature of the beast. Why should a hifi retailer be any different.

If Goodwin's is opposed to people listening to their products and not buying, then they need to get into another line of work. I realize you aren't speaking for them and they may be entirely welcoming of anyone going for a test drive in their store, but I find your reaction fascinating.
Everytime I go in a store I buy something just to be sure I am not wasting anyone's time. I really have a lot of stuff.
Fiddler, the question is intent. Actually I don't waste people's time unless I'm serious in a purchase whether it's a car, shoes ... I respect their business and guess I'm in the minority.
Knghifi...the guys at Goodwins are very professional and recognize that there will be many tire kickers who come in to audition equipment who will then shop the business around. They get it and recognize the encroaching competition from the internet, Agon, etc...Because they get it, they also understand that to differentiate themselves and win the business, they go above and beyond the call of duty in servicing clients because that is what lands them the sale vs. a competing channel. I have been dealing with Paul, Al, and Jim there for many years and they all recognize the competitive landscape and what they have to do to win (they will compete within reason on price but where they try to differentiate is on service - pre- and after-sale service). As for the OP going to Goodwins to listen to both Rockports and Magicos to compare the speakers of interest to him, it sounds like he does not have local options, in which case, Goodwins can actually sell him the speaker of his choice since he does not apparently have local dealers who carry either line, otherwise he would have listened to the speakers locally. So I see no issue with the OP using up their time to audition especially if they have a fair chance of selling to him if indeed he does not have any local dealers. My 2c. Best wishes.