alternative to maggies?

help - i have & love my maggie 3 series speakers - but i have a cat problem & have read & tried to resolve it various ways. if i must search for an alternative speaker to satisfy me like my maggies & you also love the maggies what speakers costing no more should i try to listen to to satisfy the beauty of something that otherwise don't need fixing? i listen mainly to rock & jazz. i don't just want speakers which sound really good but that sound really good = lively airy spacious etc compared in the same room as maggie 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7's.
I use this $75 scratching post . Because the post is tall enough to allow the cat a full stretch (which is what your Maggies do) and the post doesn't tip over, my cats seem to prefer using it. In fact, one of my cat will jump to the top of the post 3 inch square and balance on it. This saved my Opera Plateas.

Why not try Martin Logan electrostats. Some people think they are even more open and airy than maggies and they do not have fabric socks over them so no cat issues.

Possibilities in box speakers would be: ATC, Spendor, Theil. These speakers are very open and airy sounding.
1. Get a Dog, loose the cat
2. Declaw the cat
3. Seriously, nothing else does what Maggies do for the same amount of money. I would try to find a stand mounted monitor that you really like. Maybe a pair of Sonus Faber Cremonas would do it for me, but I don't see them as rock speakers. Floor standers with fronts all the way to the bottom suffer the same abuse.
4.Back when I had cats, I had ADS speakers with the metal grills. I don't know if any modern speakers have metal grills, but maybe picking up a well cared for pair of 1290's or 1590's would work. They will be decent rock speakers, even though they are old.