Audio Research CD-7 versus CD3-mkII

I own the CD3-mkII, which I believe is a fabulous player, especially for its reasonable cost.

Anyone have the opportunity to compare the CD7 to it, especially with the same ancillary equipment??

I welcome your detailed listening comments, as I am considering this upgrade. By the way, I listen to classic rock, r & b, and some classical music, so my tastes are all over the place.
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Anyone have the opportunity to compare CD-7 to Meridian 808 signature and Esoteric 01 limited?

I am very satisfied with the CD7. It takes the listener one step closer to the location of the recording than any other single-box CD player I have experienced. The output stage of this player is taken from the Audio Research Ref3 preamplifier, and is wonderfully accurate.

At this level of playback equipment, it is a matter of taste, for there are MANY single and two-box units that achieve this exalted level of reproduction.

I prefer a rich, full, harmonically accurate sound, one where you may easily separate instruments and their tones and overtones, initial attack and decay, a warm, sweet presentation yet not missing any detail. This CD player fills the bill. I must add that I have tried several excellent interconnects between this player and my preamp, a BAT VK-51se, but by far the best synergy has been achieved by a one meter Purist Anniversary balanced IC. Because of its extremely low noise floor, this interconnect revealed MULTIPLE layers of information and tonal bloom heretofore buried in the redbook CD format. Simply, I am now hearing much more information than ever before.

Many, many times I have listened to an old favorite CD for the first time. To me, that is what this crazy hobby is all about.