Proac Response D1 vs. Proac Tablette 50 Signature

The D1 is the newest mini monitor from Proac. The D1's tweeter has a striking resemblance to the Proac Tablette 50 Signature's tweeter?

Are they one and the same Scanspeak tweeters?

Which speaker is better?

Thank in advance for your replies.
From what I have been told they are the same tweeter. That being said the Tablette 50 Signatures are significantly brighter than any other Proacs I have owned, especially in the upper midrange. I own a pair but they are not a good match for my present system. In the past I have owned Studio 1, Response 2, and Response 2s models.
The real comparison would be the D1 vs the new Tablette Anniversary. The Anniversary is a big improvement over the older Sig 50's.

As to which one is better, it will all depend on what amp, what size room, other equipment, and room setup. Never underestimate the importance of System Synergy. One may be a "better" model in the line up but that doesn't mean it will sound better to your ears.
I would look up username: Gunbei (Gunbie??) and send him a message on this. He has owned both of these I think. He is very up to date on the Tabs and Response series.