proper burn in for cd player

I recently purchased a Denon 5910 universal player with Hot Rod Audio modifications about a month ago. The thing sounded great out of the box compared to the player that I had before. I was told it will only get better with burn in time. I have been listening to the player with my favorite music about two to three hours a day. It does sound smoother than when I received it.

I was wondering if there was a commonly used method for burning in a player? I see burn in cds advertised, but I don't really understand the process.

Thank you for any help on this subject.
I don't understand the process either but it does seem to yield improvement although it takes anywhere from 50 -100 hours. Easiest way is to use a cd with a wide dynamic range and put it on repeat. Let it run day and night - low volume is OK - for 2-5 days. You'll hear the difference.
Low volume? If we're talking about burning in the CD player only, why does your amp even need to be on? How would the CD player know the difference?
The Cd Player needs to be plugged on a seperate circuit from your pre amp. after 48 hours its as good as it gets, allways leave it turned on.

Ever tried using a vaccuum cleaner with the air intake plugged?

Of course the amp needs to be on, or else the flow of electrons inside the CD player will be trapped, which can be very bad unless you loosen the screws on the CD player lid to allow electron pressure to dissipate.

LOL ;-)
I think there is something to burn-in. I bought a brand new onix 88 player and thought it sounded way to lean when I first put it in my system. My older yamaha I thought sounded better. After about a week of leaving it on, it settled in and really is a great sounding player now.

Also your ears need to get adjusted to the sound...