Good power cord vs Killer power cord?

I have down sized some stuff in my rig and am wondering what to do. I am purchasing a brand spanking new Audio Magic Mini Digital that will be going into a dedicated outlet. It will be used just for my cdp. Got two power cords. One is very good, and one is drop dead amazing-(Harmonix Studio Master, case you're dying to know). Which do you put where? Dedicated outlet to AM?
AM to CDP?
My thinking is to go with the good cord directly from the outlet to the AM, and the killer cord from the AM to the cdp. I'd appreciate your experiences, as to what you have found that gives you electric nirvana. thanks guys. warren :)
"I have been thru so many PC's, from monster, home made, audience, electraglide, elrod, shuyata, virtual dynamics, audioquest, dcca, xindak, shunyata, purist, nordust, bmc, bmi, ridge street, cardas, et et."

What? No Walker Velocitor?
That last three feet makes little or no difference...
Hbarrel (System | Threads | Answers)
I respectfully disagree. My experimentation with power cords, and my hearing tells me the last three feet do make a difference in my system. I can't explain it from a technical perspective, and I have no interest entering into a debate on the topic, but I am willing to be blindfolded to be tested, and I'll bet a good chunk of change I'd be able to tell the difference among cords I have tried in my system.
I agree, Tvad. What is nearest to the component makes the biggest difference. Too bad it is so, since the expense could be avoided.
Warren, in a similar scenario my Harmonix X-DC Studio Master sounds better from PLC to preamp with the "lesser" cord used from wall outlet to PLC. The difference was quite significant.
I also believe the last three feet is important. I was once given the technical reason for this but I can't remember what it is. Sorry.

Also, if I were someone, and that someone knows who he is; I wouldn't be walking around offering to wear a blindfold.
Someone might hasten up a firing squad.