Frustrated with the sound of my system

Here is my system:
Rotel RCD-965BX CD Player as transport
MSB Link 2 DAC
Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 Signature preamp
Classe 10 amplifier
North Creek Audio Borealis speakers (Custom built kit speaker...something close to a Proac Response 2.5 design)
M&K V-75 sub
Kimber and Cardas interconnects
Kimber 4TC/8TC bi-wire speaker cables.

Here is my frustration:
The sound, regardless of music, sounds stringent, hard, really lacks air, and is anything but relaxed. It is fatigueing. I can listen to my Grado 60 headphones on an iPod and the sound is frustratingly more relaxed and has what I would call air.

I don't think that my system is that outstanding, but it really seems like I should be more pleased with what I am hearing.

I would be interested in your thoughts on where the most likely opportunity is. I really like the individual components of the system (OK the Rotel/MSB set up is old and just OK), but all together they seem to be underwhelming. I am thinking it is either in improving the digital front end (new player or DAC) or moving to a planar speaker to get the sound I desire. I have thought about new player like an OPPO 93 or 95, perhaps a tube based player or DAC, or else looking at something like a used pair of Maggie 12's or 1.6's. I have always enjoyed the Maggie sound.

In either case I am thinking that $2k is the absolute max I would want to spend on any solution. Thanks in advance. If there are other questions I would be glad to supply details.
My thoughts are the room, and the quality of your power. The room has two identical dimensions, and one that is a multiple. This is very bad news for getting a smooth frequency response. As far as power goes, I'm afraid the only real way to know would be to get a very good power conditioner. Unfortunately, the good ones are expensive. You might want to try to audition (borrow, buy with return privilege, etc) a conditioner to see if this impacts your problem significantly.

Good luck !
Rrog, You may be right, but nothing ventured nothing gained. Someone had to tell him the unvarnished truth. What he does with the information is his business. Telling him to put thin band-aids on a serious wound accomplishes nothing other than getting one's name in print. If he was foolish enough to take much of this advise he would be all the poorer and not more satisfied. Placebo effect not withstanding. IMHO!

I know nothing about the state of his knowledge despite his allusions about what he knows, and assumed nothing about the state of his knowledge, or the level of his interest in actually doing the work necessary to achieve some quality sound and I'll be dammed if I'm going to tell him to buy new equipment, or commercial acoustic materiel, or any tweaks, until I can see a set up where they might actually, audibly, improve something. The only thing I did assume about the OP was that he cared enough about his audio system enough to seek help. Why not try? Didn't cost me anything.
Hi all ! It is very easy to take some large pillows or heavy blankets and put them at the first reflection points, etc...just to see if it helps . Either that or get on the equipment merry-go-round and start spending a bunch of money . When re-reading your OP I see you comment on your system being fatiguing and perhaps strident . Maybe something as simple as those felt rings which go around the tweeters would be another option ?
Replace the Classe 10. I've had a few Classe' amps over the years and found them both muddy in the lower mids and glarey in the upper mids.

Suggest a Forte or similar.
I once had the Rotel 965 and i remember it well for having a hard and fatigueing sound exactly as you describe. You are using a DAC so I am wondering if the transport itself can cause this. I suggest you borrow a different player to start with which will narrow down the cause.