Which Harbeth?

Based just on room size which Harbeth would work best, Compact 7's or P3esr's?
Room is 18x11, 8 ft height. Moderate listening levels.

Thank you
+1 for Skylan stands....-1 for Sound Anchors...
basically your room would work with whatever your budget will allow.
Good luck!
basically your room would work with whatever your budget will allow
Room is 18x11, 8 ft height
absolutly,I use Harbeth SHL5 in similar size room

What is it about many on the Harbeth User's Group and a lot of Harbeth fans that makes them insult the entire universe of non-Harbeth speakers with all sorts of all-encompassing generalities?
I would say midrange magic,onces in love with such sound signature ,after -is difficult to listen other speakers which midrange is muddy.Of course there are very good speakers on the market,but for the price is tough to beat harbeth's midrange,just because of midrange driver.A lot of manufactures went on wrong direction choosing drivers i think,just more pro audio manufactures using similar midrange drivers as harbeth do
"+1 for Skylan stands....-1 for Sound Anchors..."

I use Sound Anchors with my Spendor S100's. They positively spanked the stands originally provided with the speakers.

Sure would like to hear more about the Skylan's vs. the SA's!
Willfan89, are the HL5s out of the question? If not, that is what I would get, but I would go with the 7s in your room if the 5s are too expensive or too visually large for your set up.