Paradigm S8 vs. Sonus Faber Cremona M

I am having hard time deciding between these speakers. I can get each for about 6K used. I have auditioned them both at a dealer, and I like them both. However, I find it very hard to compare them given the lapse of time in between and the difference in gear and rooms. Paradigms have great reviews, but can they compare to the build quality of the SFs?
Excellent post, Audiofreakgeek. I will add that Paradigm makes outstanding speakers and as you get to the Reference and Signature series you then have speakers that can compete with anything at or beyond their price.
With Paradigm using their aluminum tweeters that give a lot of ultrasonic noise right above 20 kHz in their other models, I would lean toward something else. A lot is said that you can't hear this noise. But, a lot of people cannot tolerate it either. If you get fatigued by this, you most likely won't enjoy any music. I can't handle being in the room with this problem. I would lean toward something else (possibly Sonus) and enjoy the music, in my opinion. Links to this noise in a couple of tests on their other models with their aluminum tweeters and this resonance noise.[][]
Agree with Audiofreakgeek comments reagrding the S8's. I had pair of S8's v1 and found that they require the right combination of warmth (amps, cables for the most part)to sound best. Could never get the bass out of them I had hoped for, but if your room is not too big they are quite nice. Midrange presence was good but not great. Again these were version 1.
hifivn, what do you have against Paradigm?

You quote a review from 2009 on a completely different model!

The Signature uses a state of the art Beryllium tweeter, JM Labs, Usher, TAD, Magico and several other top speaker manufacturers use Beryllium based on the metals combination of extremely low mass and superb stiffness which makes a fantastic tweeter.

01-24-12: Audiofreakgeek
hifivn, what do you have against Paradigm?

You quote a review from 2009 on a completely different model!

Nothing until they came out with that tweeter that left a lot of sad people. When someone does a test that shows if these exhibit that above 20 kHz resonance noise, or not, I can't recommend their products anymore. I don't understand why they sell something like this in the first place. This is just my opinion.