Please Help

I'm new to this hobby. I have a Bel-Canto Evo 2i and need a cd player or dac/trans combo. I've done as much research as possible which explains why I'm totally confused.

I've been told by someone respected in the modifications industry that if I go with seperates he would recommend a better transport than DAC. I've been told the complete opposite by others. I've also had many folks tell me that a one-boxed player is the way to go for the money.

I've got about $1,500+ to spend and would prefer to buy a good used product. I listen primarily to aggressive music but Norah Jones and Bob Marley are also regulars.

My speakers are JmLab Chorus S and have not been broken in yet, therefore they are still a little bright. These may end up front speakers for Home Theater and a 2 channel speaker upgrade will probably be in my not to distant future.

Any help would be appreciated, as well as any recommendations regarding cables and power conditioners. I'm in the vibration and shock isolation industry so hopefully I'll be able to handle that end.

Thanks for any help.

A 1-box player I'd recommend is Audio Research CD2. You said you listen to aggressive music, CD2 has tremendous bass control and very good overall resolution without sounding digital. You can have CD2 for under $1500. Built like a tank. For separates, I had very good experience with Sony S7700 dvd player used as a transport driving Bel Canto DAC2. Also very smooth and non-fatiguing combo. Get good digital coax cable for it. Don't disregard the claims that there are differences between digital cables. There are very audible differences between various cables. You'd have to experiment with that. So with S7700 and DAC2 you are looking at around $1000 on the used marked. That leaves $500 for used Audience PowerChord for the dac and Stereovox HDXV cable. Just my suggestions. That's the route I would take. Best of luck.
Audio Mirror D1 or D2 non-OS dacs are pretty decent given their price, but these dacs in their stock for do not hold a candle to Bel Canto DAC2, at least in my system.
While I don't recommend a two-piece, I did use a Sony DVP-S7000 transport and Musical Fidelity A3.24 DAC. It was good for the cost = $1,000.

Still, dollar for dollar, one box is best <$5k.
Thanks Everyone,

Between all of the above suggestions and a little more research I think I coming close to a decision. As always your suggestions are much appreciated.

Thanks again,