Raidho C1.1

Anyone get a chance to hear these speakers?
Sadly, no - but perhaps this recent review of the C1.1's, if you haven't read it already, could illuminate a bit on the specific nature of the sonic changes/improvements:

Almost two years ago I bought the "regular" C1's(though I've since replaced them with a pair of Polish Auto-tech MUMMY II speakers), and in april of '10 a bunch of people and I(mostly Raidho owners) were fortunate to visit the Raidho factory in Denmark -- indeed an enlightening and fascinating "tour" led by the carismatic Lars Kristensen -- and two of us(me included) brought our C1's along to have them slightly modified, on the spot while we were there. The modification may have seemed more or less insignificant to begin with, in that it "only" entailed replacement of the binding posts into new ones manufactured by Raidho themselves; that is, we went from rather chunky and expensive-looking WBT terminals to a pair of good-quality plastic-covered terminals with much less metal in them. However, once home again and reinstalled my C.1's revealed a sonic improvement I had a hard time believing - and I was initially quite sceptical on the effect of the modification. Nevertheless, everything now suddenly seemed clearer, with sharper and more realistic edges. The sound became more agile, light-on-foot, and more crisp and clean - over the entire bandwidth. In contrast the sound prior to the modification seemed dull and sluggish, and not insignificantly veiled. During our visit Lars Kristensen from Raidho told us -- in an calmly understated yet self confident fashion -- that the replacement of the terminals would bring along something that would surprise us, and indeed it did.

Just to let you know that the C1.1's feature the new Raidho terminals mentioned above, among other changes. Hope it helps a bit..

Oh, and not least: the new "fishbone" pattern ribbon in the tweeter of the C1.1 was (and of course remains) installed in their flagship, the C4's, which we heard during our visit as well, and even though the C4's at the time were not developed into full maturity, everything indicated to me that the new ribbon -- judged by the totality of the sound from a much bigger speaker -- had less imprinting on the sound. If anything it seemed even more responsive and dynamic in the top octaves, and just appeared to vanish in the contribution to the whole of the sound; I'd say more sonic substance and yet invisibility - if it makes any sense.
Phusis thank you for responding. Your comments are enlightening. I've found that big chunky connectors don't sound as good as those with less metal (eg Eichman). I'm trying to get an audition but not manydealers in USA.