How much Power for Maggies 3.6 is enough

What about the Levinson gear. Perhaps used 20's ....

What are u all using ?

Thanks for info in advance.
I use 85 watts per channel of tube power for my 3.6's. They also do fine with 40 watts in triode mode
I have a Bryston 4B-SST2 with my Magnepan 3.6s.
Others use a pair of Bryston 7B-SST2.
Up to 28B-SST2 pairs.
Many say the best is to biamp.
I am satisfied as is.
Depends on how loud you like to go. If it's not that loud you might get away with a fairly low powered amp.

Levinson 20's were great amps. I would not want to deal with a repair issue.

Amps I have used: Enjoyed for many years a pair of McIntosh MC1000 monoblocks. The Krell KSA 250 was a really great match.

Amps I use now: Pass XA100.5. Bedini 45/45. And for the suprise factor, a Cary 805 AE. Yes, an actual SET but this one puts out 50 to 70 watts (depending on the choice of the 845 or 211 output tube).

The lower power works for me because I don't pound my ears with spl's (I'd say 65 to 85 db's on average). My 3.6's have a modded x/o that has improved low level resolution which has added more enjoyment to the low level experience. Good luck.