APL NWO2.5 ?

Though I'm not able to hear this player, I'm about to take the plunge......
Is it as good as some audiophiles claim ?
Hi Hbarrel,

One has to wonder if the aforementioned threads are nothing more than a marketing strategy.

Reasonable skepticism is good but baseless speculation is not! Most of the positive comments about APL's NWO in this thread and in the provided links were made by audiophiles who are not affiliated with the APL company. They are not unlike some of comments you made on other threads. For example, you commented on the AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000 CD player on at least eight (8) thread on Audiogon. Your comments were effusive, gushing with delight. AND, you provided links! But, it would be equally baseless for me to speculate that your comments and links might be a part of a marketing strategy!

Best Regards,
Hi Clio09,

Puremusic - pointing to an APL forum is helpful but in no way is it objective IMO.

As of today, you have answered 419 threads on Audiogon and initiated 17 threads. What percentage of those were objective?

Best Regards,
True, but I was commenting on an established product. Not some phantom device that doesn't even exist on the companies own web site.
Hbarrel: What are you trying to accomplish? Your arguments are getting mighty thin ;)

A limited production unit is not really a phantom device. At the price level of the NWO series there will be far less units sold than for the AH! Njoe Tjoeb. The fewer buyers, the less the production backlog will be. Works for me...

Unless you live near APL, it may be difficult to audition a unit. I was prepared to buy an established product - the Ayre universal player - until I made a 3 hour comparison with APL Phillips SACD 1000 and decided it would be a step sideways instead of up. My NWO-1 sounds much better than the APL Phillips which sounded much better than my modified Pioneer universal and the Xindak player.
