APL NWO2.5 ?

Though I'm not able to hear this player, I'm about to take the plunge......
Is it as good as some audiophiles claim ?
Hrrrumpf! Such blatent attempts to jocularity at the expense of my exalted person may necessitate live audio seminars offered by my A-Capella-sized cousins from some lessthan-savory corners of North America. . . to assist with fixin' the respect thing real good and real friendly like. . . ya capisce!

Don Guido Dante
Guidocorona, not having money may be a blessing in disguise! Look for the opportunities that it presents to you.
mak, right on you are. . . dreaming is absolutely free entertainment. . . I am a true expert at that!!!
I just thought of something tonight. When I first listened to Alex's system, I told Alex that I got unusually high from it, and that it lasted about an hour. At home, I was listening to analog only, and my system didn't affect me that way. I asked Alex what I could do to my system to try to duplicate that. He said to buy one of his cd players. Well, the other night I was listening to Ori's(Oritek Audio)modded Zhalou DAC(which is excellent), and I remarked that my APL 3910 sounded more euphonic than the Zhalou. I could be wrong, but I think that might be what separates Alex's players from other players.