Grills ON or Grills OFF?

With my Signature S2s, I prefer to listen with the grills on. Even though the highs are ever so slightly rolled off (which, with this speaker is not necessarily a bad thing), the dispersion and the ability of the speakers to disappear is better. Plus, I like the protection factor. How do you conduct your listening sessions, and why?
I once owned a pair of Krell Resolution 3s, that had stretchy "string" grills. I discovered, with the help of a spectrum analyzer, that the speakers response was flatter in my listening room with the grills on. Go figure.
When the listening session begins, the grill covers come off. When the listening session ends, the grill covers go back on. It's a habit that I've gotten myself into, just like turning equipment on and off.
Magnepan grills on, as taking them off is major surgery, and then the speakers look really ugly. So grills on for me.
(When I have had speakers with removable grills, it was always grills off.)
Grills are one of the greatest banes of the audio industry. Case in point, I heard the Goldenear Triton speaker recently, what a disapppointment; the plastic grill and grill cloth are major impediments to performance. Just terrible decision in terms of sonics. It was one of the reasons I chose to not review it. I can hardly imagine a worse decision in terms of sound than to put plastic framework and fabric over drivers.

I have never heard a speaker sound superior with a grill on. If it does, then you have a problem elsewhere in your rig that you are masking with the grill, imo.

It's gotten to the point where speakers like Vandersteen I now consider significantly compromised due to the grill material messing with the wave coming off the drivers. :(
I think Paradigm makes thier speakers to sound best with grills on.My Studio 100s v.2 used to sound best with grills on.I would say ,what sounds best to you is correct.