Warm Rich Lush Speakers...Recommendations?

Looking for recommendations that would fit this description. In the $4k to $8k range. Thanks.
i have the Sonus Faber Cemora M's coupled with Pathos integrateds and they are great. They give you a great sense for the feel and flow of whatever you're listening to. They do alot of things well and work well with Pathos, but I'm sure they would work well with various amps and preamps.
Harbeth SHL5, Spendor 9s, Vandersteen 5As, Devore Orangutans, or best of all, used Tannoy Prestige series.

That said, if you're going to shell out $4k to $8k for speakers, I hope you'll be upgrading what you have upstream, in particular that DAC and Apple TV... which are likely the key culprit for any harshness in the upper frequencies you're hearing. The Bryston amp is likewise doing little to mitigate things if that's an issue you're trying to resolve.
Yes, what makes you think that replacing speakers would be better than replacing pre and power amps with tubes or, say, Pass class A amps and that tv plus dac? Also, Cardas cables especially inexpensive ones are not what you want. You would want Purist cables or maybe some gold cables. It might be that you actually want to change your entire system.