Warm Rich Lush Speakers...Recommendations?

Looking for recommendations that would fit this description. In the $4k to $8k range. Thanks.
Tony and Sam,

From my experience, I'd say that you're both right.

I own 20 year old SonusF (Minuettos) warm and lush (with limited deep bass and an audible mid-bass hump), consistent with the description by Tony. I also own newer Cremonas which are voiced very differently - lots of deep bass and presence region energy. Obviously the latter are floorstanders - a different animal that AFAIK SonusF did not offer in the early days. The SonusF "house sound" has IMHO changed pretty dramatically over the years.

I'm a bit surprised that this confusion doesn't pop more often on these threads.

"""Some would say that the warm, lush sound I like is "rounded-off and missing something""""

very few speakers are able to get both oposite properties you mentioned. First which comes to mind is Focal Maestro Utopia. there is nothing rounded or missing (like most Sonus fabers till 2007 I heard- great at recordings where no need for midrange sharpness and presence-like vivaldi 4 seasons) and nothing is edgy and painfully razor sharp (like wilson audio watt doggies)

of course they cost basicaly same as Wilson and Sonus together. but its still cheaper and smaller than keep wilson and sonus together if you want enjoy both schools.
I say be careful what you wish for. I had the old Vandersteen 5's and loved them in many ways but I stopped listening to things like flamenco and small scale acoustic music. I really missed the vibrant and lifelike qualities that I like. As good as they were I ended up selling them.
I agree with Lrsky the VA Mahlers would be a nice choice. I have multiple sets of speakers and find my Aerial 8b's to be a warm sound that does not change in character as the volume goes up, they just sound more grand. They also do not seem to be as electronic dependent as say my Thiels and Magnepans. Good luck with your choice.
Aerials are terrific speakers Jkw1...you did good!

I owned the Mahlers circa, 2003...after hearing Rebecca Pigeon's Spanish Harlem
on them at the CES2003.
They image, are never offensive, in terms of sounding etched or having too much HF hash...or shrillness...yet you never, let me repeat, NEVER feel that you're missing any information.
They are just wonderful, AND LUSH, AND MUSICAL.
The voicing is like 'coming home'...like the sound you always thought your system should have, but didn't...kind of like, well, 'real music.'

Good luck.