TAS review of Krell SACD:why?

I just bought a new TAS and saw the review of Krell SACD player.It was announced almost a year ago that this unit is being discontinued due to transport availability.I see some online stores sell them new for half the price.Am i missing something?
Memory.. Everything else was the same as before except for the air in the room and the air between my ears. So was the same for the other sonic witness.Tom
For the record, if I don't listen to my SACD Standard for 2-weeks or so, when I do play it, it sounds like a different machine, much better sounding than I remembered it being, the first couple of Discs are like a new listening experience all over again.

Sonic memories are funny that way.

Krell has stated that "side-by-side comparisons yielded no noticable sonic differences" between old and new transports.

For me, if Krell can't hear it, it doesn't exist.
Not so funny at my house.Scientific method is always used. Saw Jim and Patrick at the show and relayed to them what I heard, that the newer transport sounded better.I was told by one that it could be the result of less error correction having to be used with the newer transport. I think you may have sent me some crappy unsolicted e-mail contrary to my writing about what I heard concerning the sonic differences of these two different sounding players.I have owned them both and a couple of repairs in between as well. I don't build them only listen to them.Tom