Can the RA Opus 21 rock better than a Wadia?

I was almost set on getting a used Wadia unit but recently came across the Resolution Audio Opus 21. Reading the reviews, the Opus seems intriguing and a good puchase. I am thinking of picking up one brand new.

I listen primarily to rock, blues, pop with some occasional jazz. I like music that's pacy, rhythmic - where there's plenty of drive and energy, without the sound becoming too 'digital' and sacrificing air and sounstage. Where I live, I don't have a chance to audition the Opus and hoping that Audiogoners on this site can advise me.

I gather from all the positive reviews that the Opus is a great, vinyl-sounding, detailed, musical machine with good PRAT. Wanted to know if the RA21 can best the Wadia range of CD players from the 301 to 861 as a CD player that plays rock and blues. What advantages does the RA21 have over the Wadia house sound?

Any opinions from users of both machines are much appreciated.
Give Steve Huntley at GNSC a call. He mods both, as well as being a dealer for RA, and a straighter shooter was never born! He'll give you very precise advice, I'm sure.
Here is a guy on Audio Asylum who compared the RA Opus 21 to the Wadia 301.

RA Opus 21 review

(There are several reviews of the RA Opus 21 on this site actually.)

Hope this helps.

PS The noisey transport issue was solved long ago, so unless you buy a used early model, it is not relevant.
Also, the new remote does have direct track access as well.
I'd take an Opus 21 over a 301 anyday. I prefer the RA21 over the 302 and by a safe margin to boot. I preferred the the Jolida 100 over the 302 but... That was highly system dependent and I had pain stakenly chosen my (emphasis on MY) favorite tubes for the Jolida. In a different system that outcome may have been just the oposite. Meaning, the Wadia was excellent but didnt make the midrange magic. I think due to its highly resolving nature.

The RA 21 on the other hand, does make that midrange magic and has resolution too. I have a RA CD55 and it is of the 21s pedigree. I can tell you that its no slouch at all. Without doubt the 21 is better than the 55. Much better.

Steve at GNSC was one of the most memorable and straight shooting guys I have ever spoken to. If I read bewtween the lines well enough, he has a preference for the Opus. If I were buying new, he would be the guy for me. ...And if memory serves me, Steve worked for Wadia for some time.

As far as the RA21 outperforming the 861? Hmm, well the stock 861 is a fine machine and that would be a tough call. In the right system the 861 can perform magic. But then again you can have a GNSC modded RA21 for about the same price and although I havent heard one... I bet it sounds great!
IMO you can't go wrong with either. I had the Opus 21 and went through the difficult decision recently of having it upgraded with the GNSC mod or purchasing an already statement modded Wadia 860se.
I am thrilled with the Wadia as I'm sure I would have been with the upgraded Opus.
I did get a chance to directly compare the upgraded Opus with the stock Opus and felt the upgraded unit provided some nice improvements...a more organic and solid could hear deeper into the music with the modded unit.
I never got to directly compare either Opus with the Wadia.
My system has changed significantly around the upgraded Wadia vs the Opus so even memory is of no use.
I had both RA Opus 21 and Wadia 861. It may not be a fair comparision because Wadia 861 is more expensive.
Anyways, I liked Wadia 861 much much more! Wadia was more dynamic, great bass, silky highs, solid imaging. I can go on. There was no comparison. The transport of Opus 21 looked quite flimsy as well.

I returned the Opus 21 and had to pay the restocking fee...