Can the RA Opus 21 rock better than a Wadia?

I was almost set on getting a used Wadia unit but recently came across the Resolution Audio Opus 21. Reading the reviews, the Opus seems intriguing and a good puchase. I am thinking of picking up one brand new.

I listen primarily to rock, blues, pop with some occasional jazz. I like music that's pacy, rhythmic - where there's plenty of drive and energy, without the sound becoming too 'digital' and sacrificing air and sounstage. Where I live, I don't have a chance to audition the Opus and hoping that Audiogoners on this site can advise me.

I gather from all the positive reviews that the Opus is a great, vinyl-sounding, detailed, musical machine with good PRAT. Wanted to know if the RA21 can best the Wadia range of CD players from the 301 to 861 as a CD player that plays rock and blues. What advantages does the RA21 have over the Wadia house sound?

Any opinions from users of both machines are much appreciated.
On a recent shoot-out this weekend the accustic arts combo (drive1 and dac mkIII) was a lot better and "rocked more" than resolution audio opus21. If the price is good give a listen to the AA combo or dac.
This is off the subject a bit, but for all you Opus fans out there Steve at GNSC gave me a brochure on a new product from Resolution Audio called the X2. The X2 utilizes the same housing as the Opus CDP, one box not two, and contains an AM/FM tuner with RDS, 4 or 5 digital inputs, and MM/MC phono pre's. The X2 will sit directly under the CD transport as it utilizes the connection on the bottom of the transport. It uses the Opus display, as well as the Opus DAC. It looks very cool! I know Jeff was shooting for a late February ship date, but I haven't inquired for awhile.
The Wadia was clearly superior to the Opus 21. The Opus required a Shunyata Black Mamba power cord to get it to sound smooth and real. The 861 at a much higher price sounded much better even with the stock power cord. I posted this info a year or so ago if you look through the threads.

Happy Listening.
The Opus 21 is a very good machine, better than the 830 which I owned, and the 301 which I auditioned, but not quite as good as the 861. However, after auditioning the Opus at home, and owning an 861, I've went with Computer Audio, and couldn't be happier.