speakers for low level listening

I am looking for some speakers to use when listening at night or any other time I dont want to disturb others. My main speakers are PSB Stratus Gold, but they don't quite do what I want when listening at low levels. I'd like something that is still dynamic at low levels, something that still gets you going, not something that sounds like background muzak. Stand mount fine.
I listen exclusively to vinyl, system is on this site. Any recommendations in the under 5k range?
This came up a few months back you may want to search the archives

Most people think of the Quad ESL when considering low volume listening
One of the biggest misconceptions about horn speakers is that they only play loud. They are actually equally good on the very soft end. Of course, if you are looking for something small, then horns won't fill that bill.
For me horns are the better loudspeakers at low volume levels. I have a few systems the ones with horns I can hear full sound at very low volume levels. The horns controlled radiation pattern allows sound to be less effected by room. Maybe consider a Altec EV or JBL horn system.