Is AES/EBU digital cable/connection all that?

In my current digital front end (transport,dac)I have the option of AES/EBU or regular single ended(RCA)digital coax. The digital cables I own are all single ended(Green Hornet and Illuminations D60 cables).Would it be worth the cost to upgrade to AES/EBU cable? Thanks,gixerman
See if you can borrow an AES/EBU cable to test it out. At the very least pick up the cable used so you can just flip it if you don't like the sound. If you don't try it you'll always be wondering, but it's certainly not gauranteed to be better than the RCA cables that you have now.
The transmission and receiver chips are different for AES/EBU and S/PDIF. That is the reason for the same transport and d/a combination usually sounding a bit different with AES/EBU and S/PDIF. You'll need to try both interations to determine which is best in your system.
I want to thank you all for your responses.The transport I am using is a Theta Data Basic 2,and the dac is A MSB Full Nelson With P1000 power supply.I am running with single ended cables (rca). Thanks,gixerman