Best DAC $1000 and under used

What is the best dac you have used that would sell for under$1000 used?What dacs have you listened to that you are using for comparison?
Hi every one,I thank each of you that has taken the time to reply.To be more specific,I am looking for a dac that sells used for $1000 and under.If you know of any contenders that are far better, that go for as much as $1200-$1500 used price,I would be interested in hearing what you think.I do apologize if I have not been specific enough. Thanks,Gixerman
What type of attributes are you looking for sound wise? After all, many of the mentioned DACs do sound very different from each other.
There is a balanced Timbre TT-1 dac on here right now for $850, list about $4K. I have no relation to the seller but I used to own this dac and it's still a great performer and very analog like. It was underrated even in it's day, the company is out of business, but one of the reviewers on Soundstage used it for a long term reference, his review is still online, googling it should turn it up. Good luck!
I think the Northstar model 192 used around $1000 is an excellent value. They show up on Audiogon from time to time. Just one more to add to a very good list.