Best DAC $1000 and under used

What is the best dac you have used that would sell for under$1000 used?What dacs have you listened to that you are using for comparison?
I think the Northstar model 192 used around $1000 is an excellent value. They show up on Audiogon from time to time. Just one more to add to a very good list.
I have Vac Pa 160 amps,and a variety of tube preamps.My rig is smooth and rich.I do however miss (to a certain extent)the dynamics and speed of a big solid state amp.Can I have both? Also I can't stand a system that sounds hard in the treble or bright.However I don't like a sound that is too laid back and dark sounding.I am looking for something with good balance,and detail.I like my rig to sound rich and wet.The quality that I find the hardest to explain is involving and rhythmic.Does it make you tap your foot?Bob your head?Does it draw you in,and make you loss track of the time?Do you want to not leave the house?Thats what I am looking for. Thanks,Gixerman
Gixerman, I'll take a stab and say the Audio Mirror DAC might be a good candidate for your system. It's a non-oversampling DAC as Clio09 mentioned, so it sounds smooth, analog yet dynamic. It's the only solid state DAC I've tried that didn't have what I consider a recessed midrange. DACs like the Bel Canto and the Benchmark I'm guessing as well are brighter and leaner and impart will more detail. I found the Bel Canto to be a bit clinical and I thought the Ack! lacked pace and didn't create great scale in my system. The Audio Mirror has good boogie factor and throws a big soundstage, it's also darker sounding than the Ack!, and definitely more so than the Bel Canto and I'm sure the Benchmark as well. It's difficult to predict what effect a DAC will have on your system until you actually try it. The Ack!dAck! has a 21 day trial, so you can see how it will work in your home, and you can return it if you don't like it. How is the balance of your system now?
At this point my rig is fairly balanced.But the one thing I think could be inproved upon is: IMO the treble is just a little bit hard on the upper freq.thus contributing to listener fatigue.My rig boogies with some pre amps better than others.Boogie factor (#1)Rogue Audio 66 Mag w NOS RCA Cleartops (#2)Audio Research SP 6 C-1 revised (more detailed than the Rogue though) (3)Audible Illusions 2C (this will kick all their butts on unamplified accoustic music and I would call it a giant killer in that area)(4)Conrad Johnson PV11 (too laid back,great on vocals but at the expense of the rest of the music/band)
Yeah, I think the Audio Mirro would be a good one to investigate. It doesn't deviate excessively from neutrality, it has a nice smooth top end and is very dynamic and transparent.