Best DAC $1000 and under used

What is the best dac you have used that would sell for under$1000 used?What dacs have you listened to that you are using for comparison?
My friend and I directly compared his Audio Mirror D2 with my Bel Canto DAC2 in his system. Bel Canto sounds much smoother. Has stronger bass and dynamic drive. It is also much more fluid sounding in the midrange. And is not as bright as Audio Mirror, but at the same time does not lack detail. We compared the 2 dacs with the same interconnects and power cords, using the same digital cable, and both of us preffered the Bel Canto. It's all matter of synergy of course, but Audio Mirror, as good as it sounds, does not come close to Bel Canto. The difference is very audible.
Just observing the passing circus here, but find it interesting that no one has asked/specified what the transport is. (Or what DAC/player is currently used that Gixerman desires to upgrade. Or what the speakers are for that matter.) My own DAC will sound quite different when fed from different transports or players, even with a jitterbox in between. Without this info, recommendations could be like whistling in the dark...
Zaikesman, I am sorry you don't like the circus.I am using a Theta Data Basic II. I am also using a MSB link DAC III with p 1000 power supply and upsampling option.I run a Monarchy Audio Dip in between the two.The Theta is feed into the DIP via the D60 Illuminations and from the DIP to the MSB via the Green Hornet.The interconnects from the MSB to the pre amp Siltech SQ 28G3 the speakers are Paradigm Studio 100 version II.Do you feel better or do you want more info.
Zaikesman, One could also use the nebulous one fits all:Try it and see what you think.OR That is system dependent and is a matter of opinion. Get real,I am asking everyone for their opinions.And as in most things,some have a broader knowledge than others,some put more thought into their answer than others.All have an opinion and the opinions may differ but none of them are wrong.