Anybody have a problem buying modded units.

I was looking at a modded unit here on Audiogon, and i ultimately decided not to buy it. Firstly, the seller couldn't describe what the mods were and only said that "it blew me away", and secondly, a sense that they are hard to resll. What do people think?

To Jayctoy:

You are correct - I don't own any modded units, although I have in the past. My decision not to go this route is based on personal experience with having a number of mods done to my equipment (CD player; preamp; and amp) during the 1980's and early 1990's.

Having audio gear modified is an entirely legitimate road to changing (and hopefully improving) the sound of your equipment, but in retrospect I never heard a mod that sounded better than the collective cost of the equipment plus the cost of the mod. Hence, my comment that I think the better route for MOST audiophiles is to simply buy a better piece of equipment to start with. After 40+ years in the audio hobby, there's not much I haven't heard -- but I still remain open to new technology and new ideas.
A mod I have had consistent good luck with is taking a stock unit with a fixed AC cord and asking a reputable tech to put a good IEC socket so I can upgrade the power cord. The good news on this is a) it's a cheap mod and b) you can keep your favorite power cord or trade up. I did this to an old Mod Squad CD player and ended up keeping it much longer than I would have otherwise. I also got a Nakamichi Dragon Tape Deck overhauled by official Nakamichi techs who were willing to put the IEC in, and WOW what a difference!

BTW I use Tara Labs The One AC's, which often cost more than I pay to get the component.
if you bought a 4k unit or spent 2k on a used unit and spend $1500 the modded unit will destroy any stock unit ,
as long as it's a good digital person.
I totaly agree with Myrai: in regard to his post:

All "modded" units are not the same.
It depends:
On the unit.
On the reputation of the modifier.
On the mods that were done by that modifier.