wadia making mistake?

hello all, i was wondering if any wadia owners think that wadia is making a mistake by implementing SACD in there newer digital products, i think they are....i fill they should be putting all their resources towards red book since its here to stay!! after all, wadia rules in red book mode andthey should improve in that arena...
It makes a statement that they feel SACD is a worthwhile format. They have always done a good job on Redbook I would like to hear what they do with SACD. It aslo leads me to think they have reached a Redbook sound they are satisfied with and aren't invest any more in it, well maybe.
Of course all just my opinion.
The more manufacturereres (i have a hard time pronouncing that word) that implement SACD technology the more it might catch on with the public. I hope that's the case because i love SACDs!

It might be that they feel sales on their cdps are not what they should be because some potential customers fear that SACD might some day take off and they don't want to be left having bought the wrong player.
There is no reason to think that by implementing SACD there would be any less emphasis on redbook. I would guess that many things that make SACD better would also apply to Redbook.
sacd's developement is winding down with all music companies with the exception of a few fring audiophile companies. Wadias entrance is more about having a toe-in to fight the competition of existing players than the future. sacd's sales numbers are dwindling fast. At this point, only cd's and vinyl will share the future with the ipod.