wadia making mistake?

hello all, i was wondering if any wadia owners think that wadia is making a mistake by implementing SACD in there newer digital products, i think they are....i fill they should be putting all their resources towards red book since its here to stay!! after all, wadia rules in red book mode andthey should improve in that arena...
BMR3HC - I own a GNSC modified 850. I did not hasve it modified, but had an unmodified 830 before. The modified 850 wasa significant improvement over the 830 in terms of bass extension, image depth and 3 dimensionality (the sounds popped out more, making the 830 sound flat by comparison, and a slight improvemnet in naturalness and harmonic resolution. I have no way of knowing, though, how much of the improvement was du to the mods and how much was due to the change from 830 to 850. Steve said that most of the improvement was due to the mods, and that the main difference between the 850 naqnd the 830 was the 850s ability to better differentiate musical aprts on complex musical pieces.
Bmr3hc: I had an 850, got it modified by GNSC, and liked it so much that I later committed to buying a GNSC 861. IMO the GNSC mod is worth the price. BTW, I've tried a couple of top Sony SACD players for home audition of this format, and I still like the Wadia Redbook sound better. Perhaps I just didn't hear the best that SACD playback can offer. It will be interesting to hear how Wadia does SACD.....
As a former 270 / 27i owner I would suggest you guys consider a used EMM Labs CDSD / DCC2 combo- street price is in the $8000 range. This combo absolutely destroys the 270 / 27i, renders the Wadia virtually unlistenable. If you want a significant improvement over the CDSD / DCC2 belly up to the big bar and spring for the new Signiture Edition CDSD / DCC2. The SACD playback is state of the art, the Redbook performance is very close to the SACD and will blow you away- it's really that good. An additional plus- you can drive your amp(s) directly with the superb analog pre-amp section of the DCC2. I was never satisfied with the 27i Sledgehammer output stage driving power amps, it had a very lean and skeletal sound.
fbhifi; the thread reads is wadia making a mistake implementing sacd into their new product line....not "your" brand name preference...
Aolmrd1241: I'm sorry to have criticized your Wadia gear. I thought that some of the participants / readers of your thread would find the comparison of value. To answer your question- No, Wadia is not making a mistake incorporating SACD playback capability into future machines- SACD performance will, if executed correctly, surpass CD performance.