green mountains


I am a green mountain user, I have the chromas. I want to find out about other peoples opinions on the Eos or Rio speakers from green mountain audio?
Hope I'm not too late but I have owned the Europa, Europa Max and the Callisto. My friend owns the EOS HD's and previously owned the Calypso. I am intimately familiar with Roy from Green Mountains work.

With that being said, I can honestly say that Green Mountains are one of the most satisfying line of speakers I have ever owned. However, as my desire to own a more full range loudspeaker developed, the Green Mountains became unobtainable for me. I would have had to either add a sub to my Callisto's or move on. I chose to move on. There are still times when I pine for the unrivaled clarity that Green Mountains offer but my Magnepan 1.7 fit the bill for me a little better. I still believe though that there is not a loudspeaker line that offers more musical resolution and coherence within their specified frequency ranges.

Green Mountains are by far one of the most transparent and clear loudspeakers out there. They do well with medium power tube amps and solid state alike. They are not perfect but they are closer to perfect than anything else I've heard. Sure, there are warmer speakers, more full range, slightly more top end extension BUT nothing, in my opinion does most things as well as them. Vandersteen's come real close but the Greens edge them out slightly when I comes to overall clarity and transparency.

Be careful though, most other speakers sound phasey once u experience the Green Mountains. Also, Green Mountains are awfully expensive when full range is desired.

Lastly, the look is either love or hate. I was leaning more toward the hate camp.

Best of luck and buying them is never a mistake!
If you keep your eye out, some of full range GMA speakers come up from time to time. I could never have afforded my C3s when new. But I got a killer deal on a used pair that I just couldn't pass up.

Dallasjustice, I think this is off topic, but if there is a way to respond directly to you I have not discovered it.
In short, I find them extremely good - I now have 3 amps to dispose of.
Shakey, I own a 4-way system, which began life as Green Mountain Audio Imagos, not sure about the version, but that's irrelevant because only the original cabinets remain.
How do tweak these to world class performance?

Re-wire using Dueland's four nines silver ribbon inside wire or version 1.0 or so.

Move the crossovers to the bottom of the speaker (instead of in separate boxes) eliminating
connecters that rob both signal strength and quality.

Upgrade the cross-over components, and finally roll in NOS drivers, except for the current construction super tweeters. Flavor cross-over points to taste. If you use the "good stuff", allow 150-200 hours of break-in time, with a signal playing through it, before any serious or critical listening.
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