Standmounts around 2k?

Yes, another "what would you recommend" thread. I've decided to take a more focused approach to building my system by first choosing speakers that fit my room and match my tastes. Amp matching will come after that. Here are the details: front end digital (Oppo or Marantz), listening room 13x15 (fairly live), play at low to moderate volumes (jazz, vocals, acoustic, some basic rock but not metal/hard rock). I'm very sensitive to excessive sibilance, and since I'm listening to digital I'm looking for a speaker on the darker side of neutral with a smooth tweeter. I currently have a floor stander (GE Triton 7) with a ribbon tweeter that is a bit too boomy in the bass and revealing/etched in the highs.

I'm looking for a stand mount that meets the above criteria around 2k or maybe a bit higher. The speakers in that range that have been suggested to me as meeting the criteria are:

a. LSA Statement 1
b. B&W CM5
c. Harbeth P3-esr
d. Nola Boxer
e. One of the Tekton Lores (a smaller floor stander)

Am I in the ballpark with these? I can't listen to them before buying, so ideally I would purchase from a dealer with a good return policy.

Thanks for any guidance,

Best, Scott
Wait, Yogiboy - weren't you asking about adding a sub to your PS3s recently? They must be lacking something...
Smrex13, I asked that question almost two years ago when I first purchased the 3's .I did try a SVS sub and returned it since it was not needed,the 3's sounded better without them.BTW, nice detective work! LOL
10-03-14: Smrex13
Hadn't though of Dynaudio - I'll read the reviews. I do remember there being a lot of good publicity around the X12 a while back. ...
Stereophile's X12 review is available online. The new X14 review by Robert Reina is in the current October issue. As much as S'phile liked the X12, the new review indicates that Dynaudio really raised the bar on its successor, the X14. For one, the cabinet resonances on the new model are virtually non existent. Dynaudio developed a new, more uniform technique for coating the silk dome tweeter, they tweaked the crossover, and the impediance curve is tube friendly, and really, easier on any amp.

The X12 was really a 4-ohm speaker; the X14 is very much an 8-ohm, which leaves more of an amplifier's current reserves available for dynamics. Take a smoother, more linear tweeter, more linear mid/woofer, better crossover, more benign impedance curve, and a nearly dead-quiet cabinet, and you have the recipe for a very satisfying speaker for all types of music over the long haul.

The X14 also makes real bass down to around 40 Hz, nearly an octave deeper than the KEF LS50. Tonal balance has a significant impact on long term satisfaction. I definitely recommend you read the S'phile review and seek out the X14 for audition if you can.
LOL, Yogiboy - I didn't notice the date. Just clicked on your threads to see if you had other comments about the P3s. Without having an audio store near me, it's hard for me to know what I'd be missing with the P3s in terms of lower frequencies. I might just have to take the plunge - I've been thinking about setting up a near field kit anyway. And I could always resell the Harbeths at a good price.

So many choices...
Strange, Smrex13,

I own the same speakers (Triton 7s) and they don't sound bright nor boomy at all in my set up. These speakers image like the best monitors would with the much appreciated added bonus of taut, precise, and clean bass. I removed the cloth and plastic base and drilled 3 brass cone footers for better isolation. State of the art speakers for the money if you ask me. I would recommend that you try different placements, ancillary equipment, and room treatments before you part ways with them. My favourite speakers by far after the Totem Model 1s. However, if you want to go for standmount speakers, Totem Model 1s will fit your budget. That said, buy a pair of Minuet Supreme Plus for $700.00 and save lots of money. They are THAT good!