Magico Q7 . . . wow

In the world's best audio system

As Magico Q7 ad says "Deeper Understanding"...
I will say though, in your defense, that Magico is the "anti-audiophile" loudspeaker. I am not surprise that a guy with a Wilson set up, and 30 records will not like them.
Now before you all jump on me here, remember how it all started. As a Magico fan and owner, I take lines like "The most over rated speaker line I have ever listened to" personally. So there you have it; if that is your opinion on my taste, you just heard mine on yours. Hope you don't mind (-;
Usermanual, Wilsons have a similar response by audiophiles as mine about Magicos. I was harsh; overpriced is a better comment. I listen to this line any chance I can whether in stores, show, etc and they have yet to impress me. The Magico Model One in particular is very overpriced for the sound it produces! The Evolution One monitor with stands for $2500 is more impressive and musical to my ears. In fact, I dumped my Wilson MAXX 2's for the Evolution MM2 speaker; it betters the Wilson in every aspect except a hyped up bass! The tweeter is superior by being more musical, less etched and better integrated to the sound stage. In fact I have never listened to a cone speaker that is as seamless from top to bottom. I love Dave Wilson and his attention to build quality, but tip my hat to Kevin Malgrem and Jonathan Tinn for designing and building a speaker of equal build quality but much better musicality, sound stage and inner detail compared to any Wilson I have heard. I also think the EA speaker line is more attractive and more flexible in fine tuning to any room. To all reading this, please do yourselves a favor and listen to the Evolution line. If you are in AZ, email me and maybe we can work out a listen.
More on the subject, and JF best work yet:

Read the " Amati Futura vs. Magico Q3" section
The most recent Absolute Sound had the same opinion of the Magicos on the first 2 days. With almost every reviewer too. Seems they were using some secret amplifier. On the third day they changed amps, and the sound improved considerably, befitting a speaker of its price and magnitude.