Speakers with no rear wall, better or worse sound?

I have been in a debate about speaker placement. I was proposing that having speakers in the middle of a long space (~30 foot long room) would be preferred over having speakers about 3 to 4 feet from a wall behind the speakers. I would think that having little to no wall reflections of sound from behind the speaker would be preferable. The wall behind the speakers is currently about 14 feet back. Another opinion suggested that we should build a wall 4 feet behind the speakers to get the best sound. I was thinking that the reflected sound from this new sound would mix with the speakers' direct sound and erode the quality. Other views? We were considering some renovations and I do not want to go through a significant change to our home and erode sound quality.
Mainly a lessening in Bass response is the result.
If you try it and LIKE the sound, why worry.

Audiophiles in other states (and countries) are not going to be snickering behind your back over it...
Time to check out Floyd Toole's 'Sound Reproduction' book. I believe that the one third, one third, one third rule will give you the best sound if using acoustic speakers. Maggies have a whole other set up routine.