Tannoy Westminister VS dc10 Instrument Grande V

looking for a large formal loudspeaker for our fairly large formal den 28x40 12 foot ceiling oak floors the space is open and not cluttered I'm not looking for magico even though they are my neighbors and don't like the looks of the big Wilson's plus they are too $$$ I want something that looks like real wood is very efficient and is 50K or less!

I have a wall of new McIntosh which include the solid state mono amps.

I blew my budget here!

Just get the Westminsters or Kingdom Royals. I can't imagine your not being happy with them.
I went nutz $$$$ with the McIntosh gear and got Sold. I wish I had got Leben or Audio Note or ? gear or something with tubes. Now I have huge power but hate all the big power sucking speakers.
2K watt monos? Well how about focal Grand Utopia. I don't know how those monster monos sound at low levels could be sublime with one of the high-efficiency models you're asking about but you don't need high efficiency!!! You have the mother load of power. I think your McIntosh salesman is happy what does he think???