Tannoy Westminister VS dc10 Instrument Grande V

looking for a large formal loudspeaker for our fairly large formal den 28x40 12 foot ceiling oak floors the space is open and not cluttered I'm not looking for magico even though they are my neighbors and don't like the looks of the big Wilson's plus they are too $$$ I want something that looks like real wood is very efficient and is 50K or less!

It's clear that unless your boasting about TEKTRON, Vapor, or some other speaker you get ostracized. Right vapor?
I'm not in ANY way related to Vapor, please cut the guy some slack. In fact, if you scan through Vapor's thread, you'd find me making criticism to one of his sub-standard finished product there, and also of the numerous backlog order complains by the many would be users.. Get your fact straight.

But sorry to say that your relentless bumping, pushing, waking all these sleeping dc10 threads which obviously not many seems to be interested in is a definite flag raiser, you must either be their dealer or even the man himself?

Forums as these would be better off left sterile for healthy discussions and sharing of opinions, not one freebie promotional selling ground. So pay your due $$ and please advertise in the rightly allocated section.
It is not too far of a jump to see that Berkley and Mountainhigh are alter egos of quadman. You know, the old no such thing as bad publicity; good cop/bad cop. I need to get info out about my company, but can't do it on the forums myself. So I'll conjure up a couple of "customers" that will get every bit of sales literature I have out onto the forums and spread the word. If they sound like enthusiastic customers, no one will question it. And, I get to deny, deny, deny or scold them, whatever the case may be. If you add up all three of them, they have been members of this site for less than 2 years but more than 75 percent of their posts are about DC10.
So anyone that calls you out on your constant shilling is Vapor? Get a clue. A month ago you could only afford the lowest priced DC10 Audio speaker that they have due to the wad you spent on the McIntosh rig. Now you are going to just go out and drop 60k on a pair of speakers and expect anyone to believe you are anything other than a salesman? LOL.
Berkley, there is a reason that people believed YOU were mountainhigh when you showed up here. Despite what one person says, I still believe that to be true. If you bother to read mountainhigh's posts and can actually understand what you are reading you will see that 30 of 34 of his posts on this site were exactly like yours... shilling for DC10. In fact he never had anything but glowing praise of the technological marvel that is DC10 Audio. You seem to have picked up the torch right where he left off. Coincidence? I think not. I have every reason to believe that they make fine speakers, they certainly look beautiful. The constant onslaught from you/mountainhigh do not make me want to go out and listen to them though, which is unfortunate for the company.