Amp Recommendation for Vienna Acoustics

I own a pair of Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. Currently using a Conrad Johnson CAV 50 Controlled tube amp. I love the warm sound of the CJ and VA , but the bass can be a bit bloated and ill defined at times. I really like a nice clean,extended tight bass.
I was wondering if a different type of amp would help tighten up the bass - More power, solid state with a high damping factor?
I tried moving the speakers away from the wall an extra two to three feet and it helps , but does not solve the problem.
I have heard the Vienna Acoustics in show rooms with high power tube amps, different speaker cables,interconnects and still heard the bass issue.

I was curious if there would be a amp that would help this , or if I just need a different speaker to obtain the nice clean , detailed bass extension.

I have also tried subwoofers to see if it would help. It did help to a point . but did not solve the problem.
Thanks again for the suggestions. I am taking a look at all the suggestions mentioned.

Schubert , The Van Alstine has been mention a few times here. Checked there web page out and noticed they sell direct only. They have some good reviews about their amps.
What about the Alstine do you like and what preamp are you using with them?
This is from a review of the Van Alstine Synergy 450

"Music flowed forth with great balance across a wide range of the audio spectrum without any solid-state glare but rather more of a tube-like bravado. Everything had a relaxed feel to it without harshness or grain. Whether hard rock, acoustic guitar, small ensembles, large orchestral passages or vocals, the 450 had a forgiving quality that enhanced the enjoyment of all types of performances.
Would you agree with that?
Add quote says it all. I really like the melodic quality of
upper bass-lower mids.
To me it sounds like a high-end 100 watt tube amp with real NOS Mullard or RCA power tubes.
I've used it with Brtston BP-6, bottlehead, AVA 4si hybrid tube and Eastern Electric Avant preamps.
Avant is far the best, but with 8 tubes expensive NOS tubes add up quick. Bottlehead is very open and pleasant.
Bryston is just an
OK pre, no more ,no less.Be fine if rock was your thing.
Also, AVA has good service and I only live ten miles away.
Odyssey and Belles take forever and a day .
I can’t say enough good things about the Bel Canto REF1000 Mk.2 (A.K.A. REF1000M) monoblocks driving the challanging Vienna speakers. I recommend these monos very highly if you are seeking an extremely musical result with just a touch of warmth… They also deliver a great deal of resolution, imaging, and majestic staging. The monos were able to control the twing big 10” side-firing woofers of my full size Vienna Mahler V1.5 towers almost to perfection.

I had BC REF1000 Mk.2 with me for more than one year when I reviewed them for Positive Feedback:

It is very important that if you obtain a used pair (usually approximately $3K), you get an MK.2…. It is both more resolving than the original iteration, and significantly sweeter in the treble…. Yes, I did compare the two iterations side by side in my own system for a spell. Furthermore, the 2nd iteration has much higher input impedance, making compatibility with preamplifier a non issue. If you are in doubt with version, obtain serial numbers, and then check with the factory before purchasing.
