Can my room support the Dynaudio C4s?

My listening room is 15' wide by 18' long by 9' high with a 7' by 10' L side section. Is the room big enough to support the C4s or am I over equipping the room? I'd appreciate any insight. Thanks!
I think you are pushing it. At the very least, I'd recommend extensive room conditioning treatments. I had mine in a 15' x 21' x 7 room and found them very fatiquing until I added eight GIK 244 panels to my room. I've since moved on to speakers better suited to my room size. Also, I found the C4's to sound their best at high volume levels, which is another reason I sold them.
IMHO, for your room size I think the C4s are too much. The C1s, Sonus faber Auditor Ms or Joseph Audio Pulsars would be perfect for that room size. Use a REL sub base system (G2) for the lower octaves.