DAC for Olive musica

Looking to buy the olive musica music server and need a good dac. How about the bel canto dac2? Help is appreciated.
What about the Olive Opus? It's supposed to have a high end DAC built in. I think Jeff Kalt, of Resolution Audio, had a hand in it's design?
The opus is without a doubt a better machine, but the price is much higher as well. I plan on using the musica with a $500-750 preowned DAC for as good, I hope, results.
I see ...and thats a good plan IMO. You get more bang for your buck on the used market, and if the DAC doesnt suit you, or if you want to upgrade, it wont be very difficult or costly.
If you want a DIY DAC a good choice is the Rakk Dac from K&K Audio. I am currently using one with a Musica with Great results. http://www.kandkaudio.com/
I am also using one with the DEQX 2.6p which is a little more than a DAC but I am getting good results from it as well.
I know it's been discussed before, but how about the benchmark vs. the audio mirror. They are very different animals, but for my use with the olive which is preferred. I doubt the olive will have the finest transport mechanism so are upsampling and jitter control an important issue?