Amp Recommendation for Vienna Acoustics

I own a pair of Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. Currently using a Conrad Johnson CAV 50 Controlled tube amp. I love the warm sound of the CJ and VA , but the bass can be a bit bloated and ill defined at times. I really like a nice clean,extended tight bass.
I was wondering if a different type of amp would help tighten up the bass - More power, solid state with a high damping factor?
I tried moving the speakers away from the wall an extra two to three feet and it helps , but does not solve the problem.
I have heard the Vienna Acoustics in show rooms with high power tube amps, different speaker cables,interconnects and still heard the bass issue.

I was curious if there would be a amp that would help this , or if I just need a different speaker to obtain the nice clean , detailed bass extension.

I have also tried subwoofers to see if it would help. It did help to a point . but did not solve the problem.
Tim, I put a friend into your speakers as a starter system...they are 4 ohm, so, yeah, they could use some drive, but thinking they necessarily need SS or 200W is, um, well...

If you've had tubes 14 yrs, then I would strongly advise that you look there first.

If it were me, I'd look at a Joule Electra LA 100 MkIII linestage - around 1200 used but they go fairly fast at that price - matched with a Prima Luna amp, one with the newer KT120 output tubes already installed by the seller. Get a good IC - maybe a Jade Audio - and you might never look back. In any event, if you didn't like something, all of this would be easy to sell.

Good luck!
Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
I am going to try The Musical Fidelity M6si via a home audition from my local audio dealer. I just want to experience first hand the difference with using a high powered integrated SS amp will have with my speakers.
The Higher powered integrated MF M6si did open up the Vienna Acoustics.
The bass tightened up and became more defined and brought to life to the entire speaker from top to bottom. I still could hear some limitations in the bass of the Mozart Grand , but overall it was nice. I suppose a move up the line in the VA line of speakers might help with a more defined bass sound.
I am not sure if I am a solid state person though. I really like the Musical Fidelity , but I wished it had warmer sound in the upper midrange and above. I guess I am use to the tube sound.
Thanks again everyone for your input.
I am glad you are getting familiar with the VA's. I have found on the Mozart Grands the most difficult balance is what you are dealing with. Components, mostly the amp in this case, that control the lower midrange and below, and then do not have the spectrum above that get a little thinner, harder, brighter, or edgier compared to fuller sound of the lower frequencies. But after you find that balance the quality of sound from these speakers rates extremely high. You will be rewarded for your patience and effort. There might not be a lot of other speakers that will make you as happy if like me you like to a very high degree a very natural sound and very musical and communicative. Where all the parts of the music fit so well together you forget about the component stuff.
With what you describe your amp doing now, I am not real familiar with it, you can help out your concern with a pre amp and cables to a degree. But I think the amp is the most important component for the speakers and it sounds like that amp is taking you in the right direction with your speakers.
Marqmike , What you said below here on your last post is exactly where I am at now.

"I have found on the Mozart Grands the most difficult balance is what you are dealing with. Components, mostly the amp in this case, that control the lower midrange and below, and then do not have the spectrum above that get a little thinner, harder, brighter, or edgier compared to fuller sound of the lower frequencies."

The big question is which brand of amp/preamp or integrated combination?

I did really like what The Musical Fidelity M6si did for the Mozarts lower midrange and below. The upper midrange and above were a little brighter than I would have preferred , but it still sounded very musical.

I did recently talk to a dealer that sells Vienna Acoustics and he had said that VA themselves like Primare amps , specifically the Primare I32 Integrated.

I guess it is time to do some research and audition if possible , all the brand model amps that have been mentioned here so far in this thread.

Since the Musical Fidelity was the first solid state that I have tried , I think it might be a good reference point to start with. Anyone familiar with the Musical Fidelity M6si, or there line of products, that could recommend an amp/pre or integrated that would have the same qualities , but would be smoother-warmer sounding in the upper midrange and above?? Might just need to start a new thread on this matter.