Esoteric DV-60

Anyone heard this unit yet? As many of you know, it is replacing the DV-50S and I'm looking for noticeable difference in audio/video quality as well as functionality. I know on paper the changes that have been made, but is the upgrade worth it from a user's perspective. Thanks for your opinions and experiences. Dave.
DV-60 update!
Using the Dv-60 as a "TRANSPORT ONLY", proved to be superior over the Dv-50. The sound quality is quite stunning. Even, when compared to a highly Modded Dv-50s. Its quite obvious, as it should, since it spins the Cd at a higher rate, loading Bit perfect extractments in to memory buffers. The buffers are large enough to hold about 8 to 10 seconds of Redbook. What really surprised me, it was the best buffer driven transport I heard to date. Usually, with other buffer driven digital sources, Especially, like with the SB3, and other "bit perfect" COMPUTER based sources, there is such a noticeble "grunge" with in soundstage that made the music hard on the ears. I always ended up hitting "next" on the remote, or turned the volume down, or just shut it off altogether.
This is what the Dv-60 Transport mechanism lacks, and it’s that grudge. (YES! A GOOD THING.)
So, where did that grunge go? Looking at the transport control boards, I see a very well laid out, un-conjested PC board design. It’s not the conventional "sandwiched" design, under the transport mechanism kinds..... Instead, it's mounted away from the transport, by its side. Designs as such are noted for a much lower HF noise floor. I can say this has a major impact to do with the maintaining the data integrity that is extracted from the Cd.
And this is why the sound quality is fabulous.
I have yet to fully tap the potential of the Video, due to my HDTV lacking a HDMI input. What I heard from "my contact" when the video is upscale threw the HDMI output, a DVD would look like it was HDTV. And from the Dv-60's digital output, standpoint alone, I see no reason to doubt it!

DBLD, the weight DOES help alot. Bass, and focus some of the gains noticed One really nice feature is the 3 footers. Integrated cones with bases. In a triangular configuration.

Like I said, I like more weight just because it make me feel like I am getting what I'm paying for...totally a psychological thing with me. Nevertheless, I have had lighter weight gear crush heavy gear when listened to, so it is not at all a consideration/deciding factor for me. Besides, once it is in place, no one knows the weight.

Funny thing - another AgoNer has pointed out that all my gear is big, heavy, or ugly…or some combination thereof. :-)
DV-60 vs. DV-50 S vs. UX-3 SE update. After now roughly 450hrs. of playing time the DV-60 S is still inferior to the DV-50 S playing CD and SACD and still far away from a UX-3 SE performance. Regarding DVD-video DV-60 is quite a bit better than DV-50 S and more flexible.
Frankpiet, on 6/27, you posted the following:
06-27-06: Frankpiet
the units were both spinning for 4 days 24 hours the Ayre Acoustics break in CD and a Burmester Test CD. Listening was for about four more days. So the DV-60 had about 200 hours of constant use on it.
That was 5 days ago...120 hours ago. How could the DV-60 now have 450 hours on it? 200+120=320 hours. 130 hours short of 450 by my calculation.