Joseph Audio Pulsars

Looking for a high end, detailed, bookshelf speaker. I came across the Joseph Audio Pulsars. Any thoughts, comments or suggestions? Pairing these up with a Prima Luna Prologue Two.
I read the review differently. As I understood the point, the Pulsars were very good for monitors, but if you want real sound reporduction, you need to go with full-range floorstanders.

The Stereophile review points out that the "monitor" size Pulsars do not match the Wilson's sense of scale, but they are roughly as musically satisfying as the much larger and more expensive speaker. I don't think that's an unusual conclusion regarding better quality monitors.
I imagine this would also depend on the size of your room. I have the Pulsars in a medium size room with a REL sub and I don't need anything more.
No doubt a great sub that is dialed in right can bring great monitors very close to full range -- assuming a modest sized room. The wife and I heard two different pairs of Pulsars at AXPONA in NYC, and we thought they were the best speakers we heard at the show (alas, don't recall the systems driving them). Like the OP, we also considered Dynaudio C1 and Focal Diablo, which are two different sounding monitors, but both (along with the Pulsars) are world class. However, size simply renders any of these incapable of bringing sufficient mid/lower punch, breathing room, and bass extension/articulation to the proceedings. We knew based on auditions that these would need a sub. We ultimately chose the the Linn Akurate 212 (a 4-way monitor with a touch extra heft) thinking a sub might not be necessary, but we ended up adding a JL Audio F112. The sub took the monitors to a whole new level. So, along with other posters, I suggest that Musicallyinclined consider adding a sub. My guess is it will substantially increase your enjoyment of your already excellent Pulsars.