One interesting thing I read but i forget where is that upsampling CD players are better in different situations than non upsampling/oversampling CD players. But the same holds true in reverse for the alternate situation. What I find is that the EMM is excellent on modern CDs but reveals the shortfalls of older CDs. In that regard, the Zanden or others might be better. I hear the AMR can adjust this. That makes it a nice alternative for CD based systems where SACD is not important. I honestly believe once people hear SACD on the EMM they will not want to give it up.
I also spoke with people who find the DCS equipment warmer than the EMM. I find the reverse true. It might be a power cord difference. It might be more but in different systems different equipment will shine.
I also spoke with people who find the DCS equipment warmer than the EMM. I find the reverse true. It might be a power cord difference. It might be more but in different systems different equipment will shine.