What is the best amplifier for Tannoy Kensington ?

Hey guys,

Im starting of fresh, Ive just purchased a pair of Tannoy Kensington and love the addicted to the sound that they produce, just wondering if any one owns a pair and could recommend me the best match up amps for these babies, thanks!

I am a Tannoy dealer and I am using the Sophia Electric 300B Mono blocks with a deHavilland Mercury 3 preamplifier. Plenty of power and sounds great. There is a pretty good review of the Sophia's by Jeff Day ( http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue53/sophia300b.htm )... he talks about all the amplifiers he has used with his Tannoy's. Check it out.

Mechans is right, you don`t provide enough information(music preferences,volume/listening level, room size etc.) for really meaningful suggestions.I love the 300b SET amps but your speakers will allow much flexibility of choice. What amp was driving these speakers when you heard them?
Despite their good efficiency ratings, Tannoy's respond well to higher powered, quality SS amps. I found bass response, openness and dynamics superior than with low/moderate powered tube jobs. This was with Canterbury's.

I should have mentioned that review is in issue 53 of positive feedback also on the Sophia Electric home page there is a link.
Mactone OTL M-8V with the Mactone Preamp XX-300A. Magic combo with Kensington's.