Mundorf Silver/Gold in Oil Supreme Caps Any Good?

I got a 2 box tube dac named JADIS JS 1 i have to change the 8 yellow caps inside so my technician suggest me the MUNDORF silver/gold caps, so i just want to now a bit more about their sonic signature?
will it change the sonic signature of my dac and in wich way?
Rocc, what are the values, brands, and types of those horrible-sounding yellow caps?
Have any of you tried the Obbligato Premium Capacitors? I've read good things about the caps and they are very inexpensive compared to most. I have some Mundorf Silver PIO caps that are going in my amplifier. I wish I had seen these first. I might have given them a try..especially for the cost. I agree the Mundorfs are great caps..very transparent.
Gmood, the Mundorf Supremes are not paper in oil, they're metallized-polypropylene in oil. Just thought you'd like to know.
Thanks Jeffreybehr for the clarification. I hadn't paid much attention to that. Ooops.. I guess it's time for me to hit the sack! :-) For some reason I find it easier to just use I suppose I'll start using MPIO instead.

Jeffreybehr, as much as you seem to know about've had to have heard the Obbligatos right? I consider you the capacitor expert around these parts.