Mundorf Silver/Gold in Oil Supreme Caps Any Good?

I got a 2 box tube dac named JADIS JS 1 i have to change the 8 yellow caps inside so my technician suggest me the MUNDORF silver/gold caps, so i just want to now a bit more about their sonic signature?
will it change the sonic signature of my dac and in wich way?
Thanks Jeffreybehr for the clarification. I hadn't paid much attention to that. Ooops.. I guess it's time for me to hit the sack! :-) For some reason I find it easier to just use I suppose I'll start using MPIO instead.

Jeffreybehr, as much as you seem to know about've had to have heard the Obbligatos right? I consider you the capacitor expert around these parts.
Hey folks we are going wrong way my main question is will the MUNDORF make the job in my dac ?
now with my new tubes the bass is more tight, the mid are fuller and the highs are smoother with more micro details and air!!! will i loose all those qualities with the Mundorf ???
i think the ultimate answer will be try it...

No, you will not loose the new tube advantage, you will only get better everything even more by adding the Mundorf caps.
Remember the weakest link in your chain, is the limiting factor, adding better caps will make that link stronger know what I mean :-)

Reb1208 From mundorf site I quote:
"The Supreme Silver/Oil is and oil impregnated metallised polypropylene dielectric capacitor"
