Mundorf Silver/Gold in Oil Supreme Caps Any Good?

I got a 2 box tube dac named JADIS JS 1 i have to change the 8 yellow caps inside so my technician suggest me the MUNDORF silver/gold caps, so i just want to now a bit more about their sonic signature?
will it change the sonic signature of my dac and in wich way?

No, you will not loose the new tube advantage, you will only get better everything even more by adding the Mundorf caps.
Remember the weakest link in your chain, is the limiting factor, adding better caps will make that link stronger know what I mean :-)

Reb1208 From mundorf site I quote:
"The Supreme Silver/Oil is and oil impregnated metallised polypropylene dielectric capacitor"

Hello I put 4 of the Mundorf Silver-Gold caps in my Consonance2.2 cd player along with 5 Bybee purifiers with superb results,Please note these caps sounded heavy and closed in for the first 60 hours now they are just starting to open up ,My Modwright pre took over 200 hours to fully run in I removed the white average - sonicaps
and bypass the 5.0 and the .1 with the 4.7 -.1 silver-gold
Mundorfs Night and Day better in resolution and naturalness well worth the extra moneys ,also on the power supply 3 supremes for bypass duties with the bybees transform the Modwright, and the modwright was already very good!
Hello I decided to put the Mundorf in my speakers ,Preamp, and cd player ,after 200+ hours now it has great detail but the bass is all washed out ,if these caps are supposed to be so natural what the hell happened to the Bass ?
I wrote to Mundorf I am waiting to see their reply .
I will tell you guys as soon as they tell me ,for now I am going back to the preamp and putting in the Silver oils
that Hopefully will put the life blood back into the system
Well, The Gold's are not as neutral from my understanding as the silvers..And they are probably way more picky in the application.. The bass is Excellent with the silvers in a Preamp I can tell you that.. However I would not use these exotic caps on the Bottom end of a speaker, in other words the woofer section, it its a 2 way then Maybe just use a better bottom end cap and bypass with a small mundorf, if its a 3 way then take them off completly from the bottom end. In Mids and Tweets they are in the top of the class.. I would pull the caps from your woofers if in fact you used them in that location on your crossover, You want bass go with a Cheap Solen fastcap or something in that position, This is In my opinion, but that does not mean I am right. I used solens with the best results in bass heavy drivers however in my experience. I would honestly look at what they did to your speakers and change them first, I doubt you cut off much in the electronics.