Mundorf Silver/Gold in Oil Supreme Caps Any Good?

I got a 2 box tube dac named JADIS JS 1 i have to change the 8 yellow caps inside so my technician suggest me the MUNDORF silver/gold caps, so i just want to now a bit more about their sonic signature?
will it change the sonic signature of my dac and in wich way?
Yes they are good - possibly the second best available - but easily and soundly bested by Duelund VSF Copper and Cast - but at a much greater cost.

A new cap very similar and as good as Duelund is the Jupiter Copper
Caps very good the Duelund may have slightly more sound staging and
Overall resolution but barely. Where the Jupiter is better in the mid bass low bass region and a bit more fleshed out mid bass. All comparisons are give or take a few % points.
The new Mundorf MCap Supreme Evo Silver/Gold/Oil launched this year means there is now a level playing field between the top Duelund & Jupiter caps, to the extent it becomes a matter of taste/synergy.
Hi guys,
Just a question.
Replaced the caps of my B&W silver signatures with: 2×3.3uF mundorf mcap supreme  silver gold for high frequency 
And 1x3.3 mundorf mcap supreme silver gold oil for mid/bass. 
I first installed the silver gold (without oil) for the mid /bass and I found them more spacial.
My question: will the sliver gold oil gain spaciousness in the burn in process? 
What about bass/ treble...

Cheers Werner.