Esoteric P/70 D/70 upgrade

I am considering selling my Esoteric P70 D70 for the X-01 Limited. Can anyone give me some advice if this is upgrade worth investing in. I am dedicated to redbook CD's however I am considering getting into SACD, although it's not something I am in a hurry to do due to the limited amount of music available on SACD. The sonics of my present digital gear is outstanding, another benefit is I don't have to use a pre-amp, I hook the DAC directly into my McIntosh 501 monoblocks, if the X-01 will give me a definite upgrade in sonics and soundstaging over my present DAC & Transport, then I will invest in the X-01 Limited and a pre-amp. Please provide your feedback. Thanks

I think you should audition the meridian 808 reference player. It is the best sounding 1 box player I have ever heard. I sold my esoteric x01 limited to get one after doing side by side comparisons for over 2 weeks. The player is magical and by far the best redbook player out there. The esoteric may have a more "durable" transport but the music from the meridian is just awesome
Which proves Mitch7711, that an 'best' player does not really exist in an absolute sense. You will have to listen to a few of these top-dogs and decide by yourself.
I can't respond on the "upgrade" because, although I have heard the P70/D70 in someone else's system, I haven't compared them to the X-01 Limited in mine. I can tell you that the Limited is an excellent CD player and an absolutely extraordinary SACD player, and that while there is limited availability of SACD's, the medium is vastly superior to CD. Let's hope it doesn't die. While it's around, I'd grab whatever titles appeal, and they do keep sneaking out in dribs and drabs. It's the "wait and see" which is dooming it. Meridian has supported DVD-A, and that has truly died, without a twentieth of the titles that have made it onto SACD. I also have Mac-501's, but have a Rowland Synergy 2i between them and the Limited. The combination is quite extraordinary.
Hi Mitch,

Please do audition the Meridian 808.
I own one myself and have also compared it to the X-o1.
The 808 is the better sounding player by far.
At first there is much more rythem in the music.
The focus is better,the soundstage is more realistic,the instruments are more "organic".

The only thing that was better on the X-01 were the "sub"frequenties on DSD.
But then again thats the only better thing about SACD.(musicaly seen)

Best Regards,

Menno Keizer
Interesting Leonx, did you experience the X-01 to manifest a form of arythmia? I am also not terribly sure about the meaning of the word organic in this musical context. Please let us know. Guido