Mini-monitors $5,000 - $10,000

I'm looking to replace my Kharma Ceramique 3.2 FE's with a very good mini-monitor. A high WAF factor (I'm a design freak too so I'm in on this too)is important. So far I'm down to the Marten Heritage Duke 2 (I've auditioned their Form speaker so I have a good idea of the "house" sound and like it) and the Joseph Audio Pulsar (which I have yet to hear).

Any thoughts on either would be appreciated as well as alternatives. No, the Raidho's are too much.

I'll be driving them with a SimAudio Moon 600i and a PS Audio PerfectWave DAC. Occasional vinyl once I get a phono amp again. I listen to pretty much everything.

Thanks in advance for your input.

We are bringing back Piega to the US, the Piega monitors are a remarkable mini monitor which competes directly with both the Magic Q and the Radiho which are both $20k speakers and in terms of both sound quality and technology betters both:

this is the only coaxial true point source ribbon speaker on the market, so unlike Magico or Radiho you have both the treble and midrange eminate from the same point in space and considering that both sound bands treble and midrange are both ribbon drivers the sound is incredibly transparent, this is a true three way speaker and not a two way monitor.

The cabinet is also not cheap mdf like the Radiho but instead is damped aluminium like the Magicos.


True three way
Point source
Deep bass from a compact enclosure
High performance ribbon midrange and tweeter
Highly efficient
Plays loud
Superb construction and technology
Swiss construction
Would be helpful to know what aspects of sound reproduction are most important to you.
The new PM1 and Diamond 805 scale down from the full range B&Ws very well. PM1 is something of a bargain for a super mini.

Smaller Raidho should be in scope budget wise and a good match since Nordost demonstrate their wares with those speakers and Moon electronics. Clean tight, fast sound. No hint of grain or brightness.
I believe it has already been mentioned four times above - and sorry to be repetative - but Raidho surely ranks as one of the best monitors available. For your budget you could collect a brand new X-1 or a second hand C1/C-1.1.

Do try them.