Devore Nines and Daedalus Athena comparison?

Has anyone had the opportunity to compare these 2 speakers. The Daedalus speakers look intriguing.
Late to this, but I auditioned the 9s and the Daedalus DA-RMa, and I'd take the latter, which I found a more relaxing speaker (and one that compared quite favorably to Daedalus' big Ulysses). To be fair, the 9s were set up and a hard room, and I'm pretty sure I listened to the poly version of the DA-RMa, which I believe make the Daedalus option more expensive than the Devore. But for me, worth the $, esp. with the lovely Daedalus box wrk.

Very informative thread! I've heard the Silverbacks awhile back at the NY audio show and they sounded exquisite, however I didn't fancy Mr. Devore' lack of interest for my questions that day so I never pulled the trigger and probably never will due to that first impression. Good to know Daedalus compares very well, a shame they don't receive as much press.
I auditioned the Silverback's as well as part of my two year speaker search. Heard them at In Living Stereo with some fine Shindo electronics (if I am remembering correctly--this was a few years ago). The Silverback's are nice but they do not hold up in comparison to my DA-1.1's or my friends Ulysses (both with the AP crossovers). In fact, I would say my DA-1.1's sounded better than the Silverback's before I had the crossovers upgraded.

Hey Michael--how about an update on your new speaks?
Clearly, I need to check the forum more frequently.

First off, I must say that I have not dialed in the perfect location of the new speaks, I'm not using my best source gear or power amp, and a few other things in my system have not been "tweeked."

With that said, having just a "make shift" set up, they are friggin AWESOME!

As expected, they are a wonderful refinement of the original DA-1.

I'm expecting a few more items from Lou, in the near future and then we can head to the finish line.

Update for all, I'm integrating my 2-channel rig into a 5-channel surround system. ...Daedalus - all the way around...DA-1.1, Custom Rear Speakers, Center Channel, Bass Optimization Woofers (Subs) with Low-Pass X-Over.

Stay tuned for more, as things continue to progress.
I listened to devore 88 and daedalus athena at capital audio fest. What suprised me the most was the lack of mid and lower frequency on the athena's. I did like everything else about the sound and the look. I just felt that for price of admission it was complete deal breaker. The devore sounded more balanced through the frequencies. However these are show conditions so its difficult to get the full potential of either speaker.